MegaPowerBall? http://bit.ly/49czkM Soon (for example, in Michigan) you'll be able to purchase a PowerBall on-line game ticket with your MegaMillions on-line game ticket. So, you think you'll double your chances of winning a jackpot? Hmmm, we're not exactly math wizards - but if you combine the odds of winning the PB jackpot (about 195,249,054.00 to 1) and the odds of a MB jackpot (about 175 711 536 to 1) - excluding the Texas Megaplier and PowerPlay options - your odds increase to about 1.71537556 × 10E16 to 1. Or, if you prefer, about 17 Quadrillion to 1. (Here's some perspective, there are fewer galaxies in the universe than a quadrillion). Still feel lucky? Well, do ya' punk?
Please note: This posting appears simultaneously on our sister publication website The Anti-Zen Dictionary: http://antizendictionary.blogspot.com/2009/10/megapowerball.html
Please note: This posting appears simultaneously on our sister publication website The Anti-Zen Dictionary: http://antizendictionary.blogspot.com/2009/10/megapowerball.html